Bring your emotions to a point where it can listen you. Most times we listen to our feeling and make mistakes. You don't really really have to talk about everything except it is destiny related issue. There are things that are better unsaid.
Our emotions are tokens of our humanity and were given to us by God. Man is a spirit that has a soul and lives in the body. It is an error to get information from the body and act on it. Whatever happens in your human body should never dictate what happens to you. If your emotions are determining who you are, you are living below your potentials.
The Strength of your emotions is dependent on the strength of your spirit man: when you grow in your relationship with God, you build your strength from within which enables you to be emotionally mature to handle varying challenges. Your ability to get upset but without bursting out shows that you have grown emotionally.
You aren't emotionally mature when you allow the outside dictate what you do: You must get to that point where what people say and do to you or around you cannot affect your mood. Your ability to becalm in the midst of crisis is very expedient for your relationship or marriage to grow.

You are not your emotion. You are not who your feelings say you are. You control your feelings and not your feelings controlling you. Your feeling will betray you. It doe not tell the true picture of who you are so stop listening to your feelings and start listening to God.

Negative emotions operate in chins e.g Pride progresses to anger, to bitterness, to resentment, to fear, to anxiety and to depression. Your emotions are a sum total of the conversation that have gone on within you. Research shows that if you can control any thought that comes to your mind within the first one minutes, then you are control of your emotions. Do not work towards suppressing your emotions; instead, always put it within the circumference of God's word.

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